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Our Packages

Fitness is not a destination it is a way of life.

Our Packages


For 1 Month₹999
  • Access to multiple gyms in our network
  • Enjoy a wide variety of fitness facilities and equipment
  • Explore different workout environments and trainers
  • Affordable package for those looking for flexibility and convenience
  • Additional access: For an extra fee of ₹20 per visit, Gold package holders can also enjoy entry to Gold Pro gyms on a pay-per-visit basis. This allows you to experience premium facilities and take your fitness journey to the next level whenever you choose.

Gold Pro

For 1 Month₹1599
  • All the benefits of the Gold Package
  • Exclusive access to Gold Pro gyms, known for their high-end amenities and specialized services
  • Ideal for fitness enthusiasts seeking an elevated gym experience
  • Explore top-of-the-line equipment.
  • We value customer satisfaction and understand that sometimes Gold package holders may want to experience the facilities available in our Gold Pro gyms. To accommodate this, we offer the option to access Gold Pro gyms for an additional fee of ₹20 per visit. This way, you can enjoy the best of both worlds and tailor your fitness routine to your preferences.


For 1 Month₹2999
  • All the benefits of the Gold nd Gold pro package.
  • Exclusive access to Diamond gyms, known for their high-end amenities nd specialized services.
  • Ideal for fitness enthusiasts seeking an elevated gym experience.
  • Explore top-of-the-line equipment.

Diamond Pro

For 1 Month₹4999
  • All the benefits of the Gold, Gold pro nd Diamond package.
  • Exclusive access to Diamond pro gyms, known for their high-end amenities nd specialized services.
  • Ideal for fitness enthusiasts seeking an elevated gym experience.
  • Explore top-of-the-line equipment.